Home > What’s it like in HK > HongKong Weather > April

Depending on the year April weather in Hong Kong can be a continuation of the poor weather in March or the start of good Spring weather.  Average temperature is about 22C (72F) with maximum temperature at 25C (77F).

An important festival in April is Ching Ming, one of the two “grave sweeping” festivals of the year.  It is no accident that this festival, which requires families to visit their ancestors’ graves, often on remote hillsides, is at the beginning of one of the best times of the year for going out.

Many people will go hill walking during this time as it is often the first substantially fine weather of the year and people are pleased to get out after the poor weather in early March.

April may still have some of the misty and foggy weather left over from March in some years.

> Click here for weather of Hong Kong in May


Do you know: Ching Ming Festival is in April and followed by Bun Festival in May.

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